decoding failed ffmpeg returned error code 1 "Decodingfailed:ffmpegreturnederrorcode1"是一个在使用ffmpeg进行视频解码时常见的错误提示。这个错误通常表示在解码过程中发生了问题,导致解码失败。 以下是一些可能导致此错误的原因和解决方法: 1.不支持的视频格式或编解码器:你正在尝试解码的视频可能使用了ffmpeg...
cypress:server:api request to url: POST with params: {"body":{"err":{"name":"Error","message":"ffmpeg exited with code 1: Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as...
err: [Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1] ffmpeg stdout: undefined ffmpeg stderr: undefined I can run the equivalent command in my terminal ffmpeg -i myvideo.m4v -vn -f mp3 myaudio.mp3 or even more complex commands: cat myvideo.m4v | ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -vn -f mp3 pipe:1 > myaudio...
This conversion works perfectly when I use .saveToFile(), but returns An error occurred: ffmpeg exited with code 1 When I run this code. I'm on Windows 8.1 64 bit using a 64 bit ffmpeg build fromhere. node.js stream ffmpeg I had the same problem today (and on the same platform too...
我正在使用Lambda函数将给定的文件拆分成多个片段,并且在文件处理过程中经常收到一个错误: { "errorType": "Error", "errorMessage": "ffprobe exited with code 1\nffprobe version 4.2.2-static https://...
#defineEPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */#defineENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */#defineESRCH 3 /* No such process */#defineEINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */#defineEIO 5 /* I/O error */#defineENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */#defineE2BIG 7 /* Arg list...
=null){System.out.println("FFmpeg error: "+line);}intexitCode=process.waitFor();if(exitCode==0){System.out.println("FFmpeg command executed successfully.");}else{System.out.println("FFmpeg command failed with error code: "+exitCode);}}catch(IOException|InterruptedExceptione){e.printStackTrace...
1、iOS编译FFmpeg 需要工具: 1.gas-preprocessor2.yasm3.FFmpeg-iOS-build-script(ps:这个脚本真的是太好了,帮我们省了很多事) 4.kxmovie(ps:这个是第三方播放库) 1.1 编译过程: 1.1.1 下载gas-preprocessor gas-preprocessor是我们需要编译的ffmpeg的所需要的脚本文件。
(code==boost::asio::error::operation_aborted){return;}LOGW("FORCE WAKEUP FOR WATCH DOG!!!");format_context_->flags|=AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK;autoctx=(PrivDataOffsetHelper*)format_context_->priv_data;ctx->pktl=nullptr;SetEvent(ctx->event[1]);});autoerror=av_read_frame(format_context_,...
1. 这里,ffmpeg默认将视频编码格式选择为mpeg4,音频转码格式为mp3。如果我们希望保留原始编码,需要增加参数-c copy,表明不做任何转码操作: ffmpeg -i ../video/IMG_0886.MOV -c copy ../video/output_copy.avi 1. 如果我们希望将视频转换为其他编码格式,则需要在参数中指定目标格式-c:v libx265或-vcodec li...