ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -r 25 -qscale 0 -q:v 1 -c:a aac -b:v 20000k -vf scale=2048:-1 output.mp4 1. -qscale value:使用固定的视频量化标度(VBR),以value质量为基础的VBR,取值0.01-255,越小质量越好 -q:v:表示存储jpeg的图像质量 -b:v:设置输出文件的视频比特率(码率) -c:a:指定音频编码...
This feature-rich tool is primarily designed for advanced broadcasters. To help lower the learning curve, we’ve put together this guide to break down some of the code and functions available on FFmpeg. This FFmpeg tutorial will help you understand how it works. In this post, we’ll cover ...
假设原始视频尺寸是 1080p(即 1920×1080 px,16:9),使用下面命令可以缩小到 480p: 命令如下: ffmpeg -i 视频源地址 -vf scale=853:480 -acodec aac -vcodec h264 视频输出地址(如:out.mp4) 各个参数的含义:-ia.mov指定待处理视频的文件名-vf scale=853:480 vf 参数用于指定视频滤镜,其中 scale 表示缩...
left/right向后/向前拖动10秒 down/up向后/向前拖动1分钟 page down/page up拖动上一个/下一个。或...
Which one is faster, more performant for things like frigate? If I want to downscale a 4k video to 1080p. In terms of decoding, the two speeds are about the same. In terms of encoding, this is twice as fast as before and can achieve more complex filter combinations. ...
Then, type in ‘cmd’ in the address bar and press ‘Enter’ to bring up the FFmpeg command window. 🔔 TIPS: Typically, you can reduce a video size using these video compression methods: 1. Utilize a more efficient codec. 2. Downscale the video resolution. 3. Lower the video bitr...
hd1080 表示1920x1080分辨率,通常说的1080p scale video filter scale视频filter支持视频的缩放。其基础语法如下: scale=width:height[inter1={1|-1}] 其中width和height表示缩放之后的视频宽高,inter表示是否是自动启用去交织的功能。在实际命令函中还可以出现以下参数: ...
install prefix /usr/local source path /home/git/FFmpeg_down C compiler gcc C library glibc ARCH x86 (generic) big-endian no runtime cpu detection yes standalone assembly yes x86 assembler yasm MMX enabled yes MMXEXT enabled yes 3DNow! enabled yes 3DNow! extended enabled yes SSE enabled yes...
It is time to build xvidcore: # make That creates a =build directory where all object files go, and where the build targets are linked. If no error was reported by the build process, then you can install it on your system: # make install ...
bin/ffmpeg -i test_720p30.mpg -i test_1080p30.mpg -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=1920x1080:flags=bicubic[main]; [1:v]scale=1920x1080:flags=bicubic,format=pix_fmts=yuv420p,fps=fps=30/1[ref]; [main][ref]libvmaf=psnr=true:log_path=vmaflog.json:log_fmt=json" -f null - ...