2,FFmpegHelper代码如下 1publicclassFFmpegHelper2{3publicvoidConvertVideo()4{56stringinputDirectory = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath,"images");7stringoutputFile = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath,@"out\out.mp4");89stringffmpegtool = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath,"ffmpeg.exe");10int...
=0)return err; /*创建子线程: 采集摄像头的数据*/ pthread_create(&thread_id,NULL,pthread_read_video_data,NULL); /*设置线程的分离属性: 采集摄像头的数据*/ pthread_detach(thread_id); char filename[100]; time_t t; struct tm *tme; //开始音频、视频编码 while(1) { //获取本地时间 t=...
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -vn -y -avcodec copy test.h264 本章文档基于ubuntu alsa格式。实时采集音频一帧数据并将其转化为pcm,编码成AAC,封装成mp4保存下来 1.简介 FFmpeg中有一个和多媒体设备交互的类库:Libavdevice。使用这个库可以读取电脑(或者其他设备上)的多媒体设备的数据,或者输出数据到指定的多媒体设备上。
In the example provided in image2video.html all the images are created before running ffmpeg. I was wondering if there was a way to stream the images to ffmpeg as they are created. My use case here is that I would like to create images from canvas and would like to progressively add ...
You can create a timelapse from a sequence of images by using the asTimelapseWithFramerate method on the exporter FFMpeg::open('feature_%04d.png') ->export() ->asTimelapseWithFramerate(1) ->inFormat(new X264) ->save('timelapse.mp4'); Multiple inputs You can open multiple inputs, even...
Create Video From Images Create a video from a set of input images. Convert File Format Perform file format conversion without re-encoding the streams. For example, converting between MKV and MP4. Re-Encode Video Re-encode a video with a different encoder and options. For example, H.264 to...
createGifImage(images, fileOutPut.getAbsolutePath(), DEFAULT_GIF_PLAYTIME); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("--- 截取视频帧操作出错 --- 错误信息:" + e.getMessage()); } finally { // 删除用于生成gif的临时文件 String images[] = file.list(); ...
1、在官网下载ffmpeg,http://ffmpeg.org/download.html 我下载的是Windows 64的,如系统是Windows 32,请下载Windows 32-bit 下载完成后解压,得到如下图文件: 打开bin文件: 把bin文件夹所有.dll和.exe文件复制到项目bin文件夹下。 如果想通过cmd命令截取,需要将ffmpeg.exe的路径配置到环境变量里的Path里,可参考...
FFmpeg is an incredibly powerful tool you can use for generating videos, even from static content like plain old images. Here's how to create a simple slideshow from images with FFmpeg.
tt.mp4为输出视频文件名 2.指定编码格式的使用 终端输入: ffmpeg -f image2 -i /home/ttwang/images/image%d.jpg -vcodec libx264 tt.mp4 3.指定输出帧率 终端输入:ffmpeg -f image2 -i /home/ttwang/images/image%d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -r 10 tt.mp4 ...