ffmpeg -ss 00:1:05 -i C:\in.mp4 -vframes 1 C:\out.jpg:从输入的 MP4 视频文件的1分5秒开始截取一帧图像,“-vframes 1”表示在视频流截取一帧,最后输出 jpg 格式图片。 (3)导出片段视频帧 ffmpeg -ss 13 -to 15 -i C:\in.mp4 C:\out%03d.png:表示导出从视频的第13秒到第15秒,这两...
ffmpeg -framerate 24 -i "image_%03d.png" -vcodec h264 -b:v 10485760 "transccoded video.mp4" In the input filename,%03dmeans that the sequence is numbered there with three digits (001, 002, etc.). Don’t forget to specify the framerate with-framerate(or else 25fps will be used ...
ffmpeg -iinput.mp4output.avi 将AVI 文件转换为 MP4 文件: ffmpeg -iinput.avi-c:v libx264 -crf23-c:a aac -strict experimental output.mp4 图片格式转换: 将JPG 文件转换为 PNG 文件: ffmpeg -iinput.jpgoutput.png 将PNG 文件转换为 JPG 文件: ffmpeg -iinput.png-q:v2output.jpg 也可以使用程序...
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "scale=1280:720" output.mp4 这条命令将输入的MP4文件分辨率调整为1280x720。 添加水印: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i watermark.png -filter_complex "overlay=10:10" output.mp4 这条命令将watermark.png图片作为水印添加到输入的MP4文件上。 调整音量: ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af "...
$waveform = $audio->waveform(640, 120, array('#00FF00')); $waveform->save('waveform.png');If you want to get a waveform from a video, convert it in an audio file first.// Open your video file $video = $ffmpeg->open( 'video.mp4' ); // Set an audio format $audio_format =...
(2) -acodec: 音频选项, 一般后面加copy表示拷贝 (3) -vcodec:视频选项,一般后面加copy表示拷贝 2、格式: (1) h264: 表示输出的是h264的视频裸流 (2) mp4: 表示输出的是mp4的视频 (3)mpegts: 表示ts视频流 如果没有输入文件,那么视音频捕捉(只在Linux下有效,因为Linux下把音视频设备当作文件句柄来...
FFMpeg::fromDisk('videos') ->open('steve_howe.mp4') ->getFrameFromSeconds(10) ->export() ->toDisk('thumnails') ->save('FrameAt10sec.png'); // Instead of the 'getFrameFromSeconds()' method, you could // also use the 'getFrameFromString()' or the // 'getFrameFromTimecode()...
This decoder generates wave patterns according to predefined sequences. Its use is purely internal and the format of the data it accepts is not publicly documented. libcelt libcelt decoder wrapper. libcelt allows libavcodec to decode the Xiph CELT ultra-low delay audio codec. Requires the presence...
I am trying to convert a set of images to a video file. I have tried various ffmpeg command options but they all have failed. (command & error logs attached: ffmpeg_errors.txt) The following seems to work for me: ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(cat <<EOF ...
If the value is a ’:’-separated key=value sequence, these options will affect the report; option values must be escaped if they contain special characters or the options delimiter ’:’ (see the “Quoting and escaping” section in the ffmpeg-utils manual). The following options are ...