ffmpeg 中copy 参数表示不对源媒体进行转码,保留原始编码方式 m4a是音频封装(BOX),能封装mp3/aac编码...
* May be 0 when the codec has AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE set, then the * frame size is not restricted. * - decoding: may be set by some decoders to indicate constant frame size */intframe_size; 根据2,尝试设置 AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE ,设置方式如下: audioCodec->capabi...
*/ //这是AVFormatContext 第一个参数const AVClass *av_class; if (!s->av_class) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Input context has not been properly allocated by avformat_alloc_context() and is not NULL either\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } if (fmt) //copy AVInputFormat s->iformat...
pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtx->codec_id);//查找解码器 if (pCodec == NULL) { printf("Codec not found.\n"); return -1; } if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx, pCodec, NULL)<0) {//打开解码器 printf("Could not open codec.\n"); return -1; } /* * 在此处添加输出视频信息...
not build POD documentation pages --disable-txtpages do not build text documentation pages Component options: --disable-avdevice disable libavdevice build --disable-avcodec disable libavcodec build --disable-avformat disable libavformat build --disable-swresample disable libswresample build --disable-...
-acodec aac -strict experimental \ -r 24 -b 255k -ar 44100 -ab 59k 'Video2.mp4' 1. 2. 3. 4. 'circular_buffer_size' option was set but it is not supported on this build (pthread support is requ [udp @ 00000000002cff20] 'circular_buffer_size' option was set but it is not ...
{.name="h264",.long_name=NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("raw H.264 video"),.extensions="h264,264",.audio_codec=AV_CODEC_ID_NONE,.video_codec=AV_CODEC_ID_H264,.write_header=force_one_stream,.write_packet=ff_raw_write_packet,.check_bitstream=h264_check_bitstream,.flags=AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS,}...
: set by libavcodec inavcodec_open2(). Each submitted frame except the last must contain exactlyframe_sizesamples per channel. May be0when the codec hasAV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZEset, then the frame size is not restricted. decoding: may be set by some decoders to indicate constant ...
avconv -i'Video2.WMV'\-vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -profile:v baseline \-acodec aac -strict experimental \-r24-b 255k -ar44100-ab 59k'Video2.mp4' 'circular_buffer_size' option was set but it is not supported on this build (pthread support is requ ...
使用ffmpeg cuda解码输出的像素格式是119,通过av_hwframe_transfer_data()函数可以设置传输到内存的格式为NV12。 而最终需要的像素格式是BGR24。ffmpeg的sws_scale()函数支持NV12 YUV420 到BGR24的转换,不支持119的转换。 目前测试数据显示,NV12和YUVJ420P转换bgr24的cpu占用分别是13.2% 3.5%,即NV12转换BGR24更慢...