It is not difficult to add images to a video because they are a collection of images. Videos are a suite of still images that change quickly and seem like continuously played videos. Same as this, we can also extract a single image from the video which is also known as a frame. Genera...
audioContext) { return -1; } return 0; } //给视频添加自定义封面 //@1输出视频地址 @2输入视频地址 @3图片地址 int add_cover_to_video(const char *output_filename, const char *input_filename, const char *image_filename) { int ret = 0; //各种解码器的上下文 AVFormatContext *outFmt...
How do I add multiple images as input in order to create a video. I would imagine one should be able to do something like this: FFmpegBuilder builder = new FFmpegBuilder() .addInput("/Users/christie/java/ffmpeg/image003.png") .addInput("/Users/christie/java/ffmpeg/image001.png") .add... 2down votefavorite I am trying to put a simple text on the bottom of video using ffmpeg on Ubuntu 12.04 . I tried this which is suggested in several places: ffmpeg -iinput.avi -vf drawtext="fon...
Convert video to image sequences using FFmpeg FFmpeg -i video.mpg image%d.jpg Convert video to animated gif(uncompressed) using FFmpeg FFmpeg -i source_video.avi gif_animated.gif Split/Trim video using FFmpeg FFmpeg -i source_video.mpg -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:30 final_video.mpg ...
FFmpeg可使用众多参数,参数内容会根据ffmpeg版本而有差异 这里不再赘述,使用前建议先参考参数及编解码器...
ffmpeg -i video.avi 2.将图片序列合成视频 ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg video.mpg 上面的命令会把当前目录下的图片(名字如:image1.jpg. image2.jpg. 等...)合并成video.mpg 3.将视频分解成图片序列 ffmpeg -i video.mpg image%d.jpg
image2Video 图片转视频 addWaterMark 添加视频水印 encodeAudio 音频编码 yuv2H264 视频编码H264 multiVideo 多画面拼接 reverseVideo 反向播放 videoDoubleDown 视频缩小一倍 videoDouble 视频放大一倍 videoSpeed2 倍速播放 denoiseVideo 视频降噪 audioFadeIn 音频淡入 audioFadeOut 音频淡出 videoBright 修改视频亮度 ...
importffmpeg# 加载视频和音频文件video ='path/to/your/video.mp4'audio ='path/to/your/audio.mp3'# 将音频添加到视频中output_video ='path/to/save/audio_added.mp4'ffmpeg.input(video).audio.addinput(ffmpeg.input(audio)).output(output_video).run() ...