You may use this form to securely submit your credit card details if you have purchased one of our firearms off of one of the internet bidding sites. Click for Form If you have purchased a firearm and are having it shipped to us to perform your transfer the seller must ship the firearm...
California Gun Laws - Firearms Transfer - FFL. We offer the discriminating sportsman and firearm enthusiast an exceptional selection of classic antique, collectible and fine sporting firearms. Colt Single Actions, Colt 1911, Belgian Browning's, Pre-64 Wi
Use the links on the left to find all the information you need, schedule transfers, get directions, and learn a little about us. If you have any questions, please use the contact form on the Contact link. We now Buy, Sell, and Trade used and new firearms! Please stop into the store ...
If you are an avid or beginner shooter, visit Ray's Gun Shop in Mansfield, TX & find variety of firearms for your needs. Shop Handguns, Shotguns, Rifles now!
I only own a small Cerakoting business, but doing transfers and selling a few firearms and keeping track of all my gunsmithing, Fastbound sure makes it easier!!! I highly recommend them! They are super helpful with any questions or problems you may have starting out but once you learn...
January 2, 2023inNational Firearms Act (NFA) Regulated Followers1 farmerpabs Active Member 12 Location: Columbia, TN PostedJanuary 2, 2023 New to area and looking for a LGS near Maury County that has reasonable fees. In TX, I was used to $25 for FA transfers and $75 for NFA items. ...
firearms business. You and the FFL dealer will fill out a Form 4473 (either on paper or electronically). Because the dealer is responsible for keeping this form on file - for decades - he may charge you a fee for filling out paperwork for firearms you have transferred to him on your ...
It is not illegal to make an unattended firearm accessible to a minor or someone prohibited from possessing a gun. However, federal law and some state laws, like Tennessee's, have minimum age limits on the sale and transfer of firearms. ...
Randy M.ARTISAN GUNSMITHING AND FIREARMS Join 1000s of FFLs Signed Up on FFL Boss Get Started Now
Bracken Guns is a Disabled Veteran ownedGun ShopinSan Antonio. We BUY, SELL, CONSIGN (15%), TRADE, and TRANSFER new and usedfirearms. Previous Image Next Image VIEW IN-STORE INVENTORY We Buy, Sell, Trade, & Consign New & Used Guns ...