It should also be noted that Five Finger Death Punch, who have been working on new music, have posted a video message about the tour that can be seen below. In the clip, the group also previews a bit of the song "Jekyll and Hyde,' the new single from their upcomingGot Your Sixalbum...
Black Stone Cherry’s got the blues, and it works oh so well for them. For years, the band has built a solid base as a hard rock band with elements of country and southern rock influences. But a switch turned on for the group with their ‘Black to Blues’ EP that carried over to ...
But sometimes you need to be reminded that this is the only life we’ve got and you should live it to the best of your ability. That’s the gist of Architects’ banger, “When We Were Young,” the driving ferocious pit-starter that should shake the monotony right out of you. “...