The 95th National FFA Convention and Expo was held October 25-29, 2022 in Indianapolis, IN with more than 69,000 in attendance the annual event. Members traveled by charter bus with FFA members and advisors from Doland and Northwestern Area. West Central took two teams and two AgriScience Fa...
However different countries may be in geographical location, history, culture, social system, size of economy, and development stage, alignment with the core idea of a global community of shared future enables them to seek common ground w...
2023年,美国自然保护协会(Nature Serve)发布一份名为《生物多样性聚焦:美国版》的报告,该报告揭示了美国超三分之一的物种和生态系统面临消失危险,其中34%的植物和40%的动物面临灭绝危险,41%的生态系统面临全范围崩溃危险。[1]另一方面...