Where things might get really interesting is withFF7 Remake Part 3, as the resolution of Cloud's romantic arc can be seen in very different lights depending on which perspective is employed. Although there's always a level of tragedy to the story, one reading invokes a deeper sadness than ...
The strongest weapon for Cloud to find is theSlipstream Saber, which holds a familiar ability to players ofFF7 Remake. Counterstance automatically puts Cloud into a state where they can respond to any physical strike from an enemy. The retaliation from this move greatly increases an enemy's st...
Just as in the original FF7, the Remake has a whole lot of materia for you to use - but some are more blatantly useful than others. Here's a few very quick
Gears and Gambits is very similar to Fort Condor, the minigame introduced inFF7 Remake’sIntergradeexpansionand reappearing inRebirth’s Junon-area protorelic quests. In Gears and Gambits, you deploy robots to both attack a main enemy and defend bases. You’ll configure their abilities prior t...
This is the same complicated situation that prevents the rerelease and digital distribution of Crisis Core. Japanese Copyright law is extraordinarily laborious when it comes to this, part of the mission of remake is to tell a complete story that Square will more cleanly and wholly own. -...