Weapon Levels work differently in FF7 Rebirth in comparison to the first part of the remake series. They are directly connected to SP and the whole system is ambiguous at first, so feel free to take a moment and read this article to learn more.
The First Soldier Half-Year Anniversaryevent-exclusive goodies, you need to get anniversary medals and deliver them to Moogle banks in order to complete various challenges. However, the location of these banks doesn’t appear on your mini-map until you have at least one anniversary medal in you...
3 on 3 (DS - released 7/27/06 JP, 9/11/06 NA, 10/26/06 AU, 11/10/06 EU): In this game licenses by Nintendo, but developed by Square, some job classes from Final Fantasy make an appearance as playable characters here, such as the Ninja, White Mage, Black Mage, Moogle, and ...