另外,在重生发售前针对remake的patch中,除了大家最关注的Tifa胸口多了一块布外,最关键的点其实是:爱丽丝对天空的台词也被修改了,从i dont like the sky 改为 i miss the steel sky(怀念坚固的天空),说明这个时候爱丽丝已经能看到其他世界线的天空的裂痕了。推测克劳德能看到其他世界的裂痕是因为被带着穿越了多个...
Previously, those playing FF7 Rebirth digitally were unable to hit Party Level 10 thanks to a wonderful bug that’s made the “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop” side-quest in Corel impossible to finish. The good news is that Square Enix fixed this quest via a patch that dropped on April 11,...
I second this, a more scaled down version more akin to rr7 remake/rebirth would look amazing, plus alot of mods out there already look like (THE MOST ULTIMATE FLASHY ATTACK IN THE UNIVERSE!!! SEIZURE WARNING!) already. A cool moveset change mod would be dope. 👌 (Sorry for the rant...