Speaking withDaily Star,Hamaguchi has confirmed thatFF7 Rebirthwill have no DLC,as the team focuses their work on the third and final game in theFF7 Remakeseries. On the other hand, Hamaguchi does have good news for fans who are eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series,stating th...
Chapter 1 of FF7 Rebirth, Fall of a Hero, focuses on Cloud's backstory. In it, Cloud recounts his mission with Sephiroth five years ago, which took place in Cloud's hometown of Nibelheim. The chapter starts with the pair inspecting the town's Mako Reactor, where they discover that the...
The long-awaitedStardew Valley1.6 update is here and many of us are still working throughFinal Fantasy 7 Rebirth, so there are plenty of tips to go around this week.Stardew Valley’s massive update has added plenty of new features to the cozy sim, so if you’re looking to maximize your...
I second this, a more scaled down version more akin to rr7 remake/rebirth would look amazing, plus alot of mods out there already look like (THE MOST ULTIMATE FLASHY ATTACK IN THE UNIVERSE!!! SEIZURE WARNING!) already. A cool moveset change mod would be dope. 👌 (Sorry for the rant...