PC版成救星?《最终幻想7:重生》Steam销量暴涨 2025年1月,游戏市场依旧延续了以往淡季的态势,仅有一款新游戏进入销量前20,而《使命召唤》系列则继续占据主导地位。然而,值得注意的是,《最终幻想7:重生》在PC平台的推出,为其销量带来了显著的增长,或许能为...
3) White decal on the right side of the t-shirt (decal also in the leather bracelt)Unzip content and place it in your ~mods folder. ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\End\Content\Paks\~modsEnjoy!
Replaces only Cloud's standard outfit (PC0000_00_Cloud_Standard) with his "Wild Surf" shirtless swimsuit / beach shorts outfit from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.To replace other outfits, you might be able to use Cloud Default Outfit Only. (not tested yet)There are slight issues with the rigging...
一脸凶狠地倒腾小鸡脚... 6.4万播放 【FF7 Rebirth】官方连续吐槽,所有妹子认证,克劳德是真的像... 25.9万播放 不是,你俩玩真的? 58.9万播放 这就是真正的小鸡蛋糕! 14.3万播放 【FF7/SC】SC入坑指南 37.3万播放 AC云的寡味秒了全世界…… 43.6万播放 ...
最近,Nexusmods上发布了一款《最终幻想7:重生》(Final Fantasy VII Rebirth)的Mod,特别吸引了广大玩家的目光。这款Mod专注于爱丽丝(Aeris)这一经典角色的泳装换色,让她在游戏中的形象焕然一新,激发了无数玩家的创作热情和讨论。 《最终幻想7:重生》是一款备受期待的JRPG,结合了丰富的剧情与精美的图形,深藏着玩家...
在游戏界掀起一股热潮的《最终幻想7:重生》(Final Fantasy VII Rebirth)最近再次成为焦点,这一次是因为一款特别的MOD——蒂法物理摇晃MOD。这款MOD一经上线N站(Nexus Mods),就迅速吸引了无数玩家的眼球,不仅因为它的独特性,更因为它给玩家带来的全新视觉体验。
TwistedMetalGear 2[H]4U Joined Jun 19, 2005 Messages 2,237 Big week over at nexusmods. I thought I was on p-hub for a second. Prev 1 … 5 6 7 You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Link Bits...
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Share Permissions and credits This mod brings over Yuffie's wooden puppet from FF7 Rebirth. For silliness and fun.This mod changes:- Yuffie [Standard]- Yuffie [Moogle]- Yuffie [Moogle Hood Off]- Yuffie [Blood & Tears]My Discord: VORTE...
About this image hello moddersif possible, could someone make a classic Tifa (without undershirt and black leggings) based on this mod for remake.Would really appreciate it.thanks so much in advance! Share 0 comments VORTEX...