Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was released on PC a few days ago. Since the launch players report various technical issues, and state that performance is not great in this port. Some of them even suspect that AMD graphics work poorly with the game. However, the situation is more complex...
How to adjust Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s settings for the Steam Deck Some PC games come preloaded with settings that best fit the Steam Deck, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is not one of them. The game will default to the “Medium” Graphics Quality preset, which the handheld definitely ...
Also, the graphics are very reminiscent of FF3 and FF4 (even the menu screens!). Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2) (SNES - released 8/6/93 JP, 1993 NA, 11/24/94 EU): Moogles make another appearance here (as a status ailment, and as a species in the northern part of a ...