最终幻想7:重生(FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH)修改器-普通模式 (支持 32 项修改,不支持联网模式) 切换 加强模式 支持平台:steam 无敌模式/无视伤害判定 NUM1 无限HP NUM2 无限MP NUM3 无限ATB NUM4 满必杀槽 NUM5 100%暴击率 NUM6 100% 掉宝率 NUM7 快速召唤充能 NUM8 无限召唤持续时间 NUM9 防御倍率 Al...
Final Fantasy 7Rebirth has no shortage of side quests. Each of them is unique and provides an escape from the main story of the game. Whenplayers enter the Gongaga Region, they will find that the Community Noticeboard won't have many jobs that they can take. However, once players return...
Summons: Ramuh, Shiva, Ifrit, Titan, Sylph, Carbuncle, Unicorn, Odin, Bahamut, Ashura Magic: Aero, Tornado, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Drain, Quake, Slow, Poison, Sleep, Mini, Toad, Confuse, Silence, Haste, Gravity, Meteor, Death, Flare, Bio, Ultima, Holy Items: Potion, Hi-Potion, ...