运行Cheat Engine 点击左上角图标 找到正在运行的 ff7.exe / ff7_en.exe 双击打开弹窗询问是否载入关联表单? 是确认下方列表中 Gil 一项的数值与游戏中的 金钱 相同flower-tending Aeris 的数值 减去0x80 或直接改为0(一般这个数值为1F~FF 变化的是左边那个数 因为只有左边的3个Flag不是主线固定的 不过这8...
Final Fantasy VII (PC)The Bootleg Edit for Final Fantasy VIIA Tutorial Documenting the Installation of the Community's Best ModsVersion: v.21Date: 2011.11.01Author: PitBratTarget: Update and enhance Final Fantasy VII with the latest and greatest mods the community has released.Version History: ...
designed for the PlayStation 1 version of the game. They will not work with the game's PC port. The description of the tools in the subsequent sections assumes some familiarity with the file layout and data formats used by the game. The QhimmWiki (http://wiki.qhimm.com) is a good...
PCGestureUnlock - 目前最全面最高仿支付宝的手势解锁,而且提供方法进行参数修改,能解决项目开发中所有手势解锁的开发. ICPayPassWordDemo - CPayPassWordDemo,一个模仿支付宝支付密码输入对话框小demo. RSAESCryptor - 加密 RSA+AES Encryption/Decryption library for iOS. This library uses 2048-bit RSA and 25...
PC/personal computer * PE/physical education pea peace * peak pear pen pencil * penny people pepper per ** perceive percent * perception perfect perform perhaps period ** permanent permit person * personnel * perspective persuade ** pessimistic pet petrol ** phase * phenomenon ** philosophy ...
PCGestureUnlock - 目前最全面最高仿支付宝的手势解锁,而且提供方法进行参数修改,能解决项目开发中所有手势解锁的开发. ICPayPassWordDemo - CPayPassWordDemo,一个模仿支付宝支付密码输入对话框小demo. RSAESCryptor - 加密 RSA+AES Encryption/Decryption library for iOS. This library uses 2048-bit RSA and 256...