2 重启 7thHeaven 点开 Library 点击 Search 按钮 以上操作正确的话会列出4个MOD3 先找到 Menu Avatars (菜单头像)那一栏 点击 Activate 激活4 点击 Active Mods 回到第一页 点击左下角的 Launch Game 进入游戏5 能正常进入游戏的话就成功了 退出游戏 把剩下的3个MOD也一起激活了 本次高清材质包的安装就...
7th Heaven gives value cannot be null error. What do I do? FF7 Feels slow/choppy with FFNx and many mods. What can I do? How do I install DDS texture packs? How do I convert my own mods to DDS? I'm lazy, can you change my FFNx.cfg file for me?
App HD简中字库2.5 修正测试02:新增真正的等待模式、战斗中呼叫队友等功能 | 最终幻想7 Steam版 6490 14 07:48 App 《最终幻想7》原版-汉化文本移植+配音修改演示 | 全程中文配音出现可能?| Echo-S 7 | 7th Heaven | Tsunamods 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
A. I don't take any interest in other mods, so I don't know. Q. Why aren't achievements working?A. The Reunion bypasses Steam code and anything Steam related is removed. This is not something that can be resolved.Q. I use 7th Heaven, and I have this problem...A. 7th Heaven is...
《最终幻想VII》高清中文★进阶版★ HD简中拓展项目 | 可解锁Steam成就 | 适用于7th Heaven模组平台 | 保姆级教程 2269 0 01:20 App 将更高画质的官方片源应用到游戏中 |FF7 PC版 (Steam) 1113 2 00:56 App FF7 爱丽丝动态表情拓展 (太阳海岸旅馆对话) 1502 2 01:18 App 【独家高画质版】FF7-开场动...
Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.99993) « Reply #11701 on: 2024-03-12 10:05:49 » Version: FF7 on Steam - NT 2.09999.7z (no other mods or mod loaders)Probable bug:Type B playthrough - when leaving Shinra HQ after the bike mini-game, you get thrown into fight....
总算在年内搞定 应该是近期的最后一套mod 之后很长一段时间估计都没时间再做新的了ಥωಥ主体还原的是之前EC巴哈套的废案之一 以及参考官方的女装投票 额外给第九章云片的三套新娘服也分别做了衣服 不同剧情触发对应服装 其中最奢华的裙子用的是之前分享过的那套白色长婚纱 另两套嗯。。。出于不可言说的...
Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.35) « Reply #2783 on: 2016-03-03 10:00:54 » Is full 7th heaven compatibility a sure thing or will it take some time to make it work? Logged Sega Chief Moderator Posts: 4103 These guys is sick Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat ...
Copy-paste the above link into 7th Heaven's Settings > General Settings > Catalog Subscriptions and click Save. Refresh your Browse Mods list and/or restart 7h to see the new IROs. For more information about the 7th Heaven Modding Framework, check here: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php...