称号the Alpha Legend,直译阿尔法传奇。光看这个称号看不出来什么,因此结合欧米茄在时空狭缝说过的话来分析(台词如下)。 我既是欧米茄,又是阿尔法…… 导入弱小人类的特征,来追寻真正的强大。检测终于完成…… 我既是阿尔法,又是欧米茄! 普通和零式都提到了“我既是阿尔法,又是欧米茄”。这句话来自《启示录》第1章...
The Alpha legend,依国服一贯做法去掉后缀传奇取前面的词翻译成两个中文字,Alpha也没什么好的译法,目测是“阿法” 来自Android客户端6楼2023-03-01 03:55 收起回复 笑掉牙的钟 欧米茄 14 比欧米茄更强的那就是欧米茄X和阿尔法兽了,我的答案是译成世界树 7楼2023-03-01 04:16 回复 空虚...
The Mog Station is the Square Enix account portal. Within Mog Station you can pay for monthly game access, purchase additionalRetainersor use theWorld Transfer Service, and see information aboutVeteran Rewards, among other things. It ties into theSquare Enix Account Management System, but has repla...
Collect every "A Realm Reborn" Extreme primal mount, and complete the A Legend for a Legend sidequest that unlocks. 2.5 Kongamato (Mount) purchased for 200,000 Gil from Vath Stickpeddler, Rank 7 (Sworn) required with the Vath tribe. 3.2 Korpokkur Kolossus (Mount) Purchased for 75...
🌻 The collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia. Mirror from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core. See https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing. - mediawiki/languages/i18n/stq.json at bf6e21a4c2af3913c
encircle(midwest_encircle_data.area, midwest_encircle_data.poptotal, ec="k", fc="gold", alpha=0.1) encircle(midwest_encircle_data.area, midwest_encircle_data.poptotal, ec="firebrick", fc="none", linewidth=1.5) # Step 4: Decoration...
#图的边缘放置共同的唯一图例:common.legend = TRUE参数 ggarrange(bxp,dp,labels=c("A","B"),common.legend=TRUE,legend="bottom") img 2)mtcars 数据集的条形图,散点图组合展示 figure<-ggarrange(Scatter_plots,Bar_plot+font("x.text",size=10),ncol=1,nrow=2) ...
As I mentioned before, it is my business to know all of Eorzea's treasures. And if the rumors are true, there exist certain weapons of legend said to have supped on the souls of countless enemies. In fact, a certain great hero who wields one of these weapons is supposedly working with...
称号the Alpha Legend,直译阿尔法传奇。光看这个称号看不出来什么,因此结合欧米茄在时空狭缝说过的话来分析(台词如下)。 我既是欧米茄,又是阿尔法…… 导入弱小人类的特征,来追寻真正的强大。检测终于完成…… 我既是阿尔法,又是欧米茄! 普通和零式都提到了“我既是阿尔法,又是欧米茄”。这句话来自《启示录》第1章...