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iPhone 説明 一个ff14技能循环编辑器,可以编写,保存,分享你的输出手法,也可以扫码获取大神的输出手法 功能: 1.全战斗职业技能循环编写 2.可以选择在循环中展示或隐藏技能名 3.通过分类更方面地找到想要的技能 4.循环中对能力技能展示进行了特殊处理,更直观地展示gcd插入窗口 ...
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I really like this app but there’s a few more functions I wish it could have: - display local time based on your time zone(I’m guessing the LT displayed is JP time?) - alarm system for specific weather(would be super helpful for fishers) - include weather icons to make it more ...
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