【Dalamud 卫..[ri-alerts color="primary"]由于原先的高跟鞋插件(Heels Plugin)使用中很多问题,在昨天的6.5更新后更是不能用了,现在我们使用Simple H
«Simple Pleasures A Pisaca's Purpose» At World's End» Curry for the Watch» Dreams of Venom» Long Live the Gourmet» My Friend the Yeti» Quick Heels» Tea Foretell» Treasure Hunters» What's in a Parent» ...
That sorrow, rage, and despair will always dog our heels. And we press on regardless. That is why Hydaelyn guided us here. In Her boundless love for mankind, She has prepared us for this trial, and in Her name we have come for you!Meteion Yes, I sense it... A burning passion...
不含(有害物) Keep them free from dry skin and cracked heels. 使它们不受皮肤干燥和脚跟干裂的影响。 The LORD will keep you free from every disease. 耶和华必使一切的病症离开你。 Balanced diet and proper exercise keep you free from disease.均衡的饮食和适当的锻炼能让你远离疾病。 Ke...