预购会有2个key,一个资料片key一个预购奖励key,各平台发key和激活时间不同,按照管理先激活预购奖励key,后激活资料片key。 登入账号管理网站Mog Station手动激活额外的预购奖励key,预购奖励key游戏正式发售后也可以激活来领取奖励,一般是半年有效期,但这样就无法参与提前试玩。 美版激活举例(日版欧版基本一致,语言不同...
*一般玩家购买这个版本就可以了 支持PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Windows®, Mac, Steam平台 本资料片为《最终幻想14》的拓展内容,不能单独游玩,激活需提前拥有2.0本体 6.0资料片包含5.0、4.0、3.0的全部内容(游戏发售后可使用),不包括游戏时常 数字典藏版 包含数字典藏版额外虚拟内容 不用担心错过可在Mo...
Players can now access the official site via links displayed in-game. Links have been added to several menus to open their associated official pages in your default web browser (PlayStation 4 only). A Hardware Cursor: FFXIV Custom scaling option has been added (Windows and Mac only...
Final Fantasy 14's new Patch 5.3 Reflections in Crystal update is the perfect opportunity to try out the game. Free players can now reach level 60 have access to the Heavensward expansion, including new story missions and the Dark Knight, Machinist, and Astrologian classes. The fr...
• All editions of the game require user registration. All editions of the game other than the Free Trial require an active paid subscription to play. FINAL FANTASY XIV Online game packages available on Steam may only be registered and added on a Square Enix account that has the base game...
People with a physical disc will have to visit the PlayStation Store and download the beta from the appropriate store page. People starting a free trial as of April 13 will get beta access automatically. A launch date for the finished PS5 edition "will be determined based on the progress ...
“Such devastation... This was not my intention...” this is not a quote; this is a meme. Even Gaius himself later was ashamed of what he said here. 21. “Don’t talk to me.” - Tataru Taru, Stormblood’s Trial. Ting...ning... ning... ning... “...
Playstation 5/PlayStation 4平台 不用手动激活,预购完资料片之后自动激活,游戏内奖励顺次发放,通过莫古力邮箱领取。 Windows、Mac、Steam平台 预购会有2个key,一个资料片key一个预购奖励key,各平台发key和激活时间不同,按照管理先激活 预购奖励key,后激活资料片key。 登入账号管理网站Mog Station手动激活额外的预购...
In that case, you need to weigh out whether or not whatever character you made before is worth returning to or if you should just make a new account using the free trial. If you own the game on one console, you cannot just play it on another for free.You have to repurchase the lice...