Get Cheap FFXIV Items - FF14 Mog Station Item Store With the release of Dawntrail, the new BiS ilvl gear has been moved up for this expansion. The Viper and Pictomancer job will require players to grind for leveling and crafted gear to meet the DPS, healing, and tanking requirements. ...
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Mog Station Sold Items are sold for real life currency through the Mog Station. These items are distributed via the moogle delivery service. The Mog Station is the Square Enix account portal. Within Mog Station you can pay for monthly game access, purchase additional Retainers or use the World...
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• The registration codes can be redeemed immediately on the Mog Station. If this is your first time installing and registering "FINAL FANTASY XIV Online", you may redeem your registration codes during the initial installation process. • Age restrictions and other terms and conditions apply. ...
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