Battlecraft Levequests are forDisciples of War & Magicand generally require a player to fight something or collect something from the mobs. Battlecraft Levequests allow you to select a difficulty setting. Increasing the degree of difficulty will result in more powerful enemies by 1 level, larger...
Levequests.Levequests are immediately repeatable quests obtained by talking to aLevemete. You can possess up to 100 Leve Allotments at any one time, with three replenishing every 12 hours. Upon talking to a Levemete, you will be offered a set number of available Levequests, and you can se...
* Stone Vigil (Hard): The second fight Curca Fera is neigh impossible to solo, even by hand. Do this dungeon synced manually. * Leves * You must already have levequests unlocked for the Whitebrim, Saint Coinarch's Find and Camp Bluefog. I can't automate those quests yet as they comb...
Level 5 Mining Levequests: Ul’dah Adventurers Guild & Scorpions Crossing. Level 10 Mining Levequests: Western Thanalan Horizon. Where to find Obsidian? Yup, 99 Obsidian. Get used to this. You can find Obsidian in Western Thanalan (The East Hammer). Again, you can buy this from NPC’s ...
DAWNTRAIL UPDATE up to Level 90 to 100! Level up Botanist Quickly! Stop wasting time! Power Level your Botany! Collectables, Rotations, Tips, etc
▲ Potential Reward from Levequests (12) Levequest Level Allow No Fallacies (L) 52 Can't Sleep, Inquisitors Will Eat Me 52 Consecrating Congregation 52 Curbing the Contagion (L) 52 Dodging the Draft (L) 50 Forged from the Void 50 Forgery of Convenience (L) 50 Steeling th...
Level 98 Item Level 675 Statistics & Bonuses: Defense 617 685 Magic Defense 617 685 Strength +390 +433 Vitality +402 +447 Determination +272 +302 Direct Hit Rate +190 +211 Materia: Repairs, Recycle & Style: Sells for x 650 715 Gear Set Gargantuaskin Striking Set Repair ...
Quest Level Potable Perils 28 Stairway to the Heavens 50 ▲ Potential Reward from Levequests (13) Levequest Level Dead Men Lie 25 Drakes' Misfortune 25 Flower Power 25 More than Meets the Eye 25 Necrologos: Fluid Corruption 25 Necrologos: Olidious Separation 25 Necrologos: ...
▲ Potential Reward from Levequests (1) Levequest Level Tiger in the Sack 64 ▲ Dropped by Monsters (3) Name Levels Location Baras 66 Nhaama's Retreat Rainbow Tiger 67 Valley of the Fallen Rainbow Yanxian Tiger 64 The Gensui Chain Acquired from Duty (12) Duty Bardam's ...
▲ Potential Reward from Levequests (1) Levequest Level Don't Knock It Till You've Tried It 92 ▲ Dropped by Monsters (1) Name Levels Location Swampmonk 92 Miyakabek'zoma ▲ Potentially Acquired from 18-hour Field Exploration Venture Venture Field Exploration XXX (Retainer Level ...