套装(gearset) …将套装编号指定到图标名上,可以显示出该套装的图标。职业(classjob) …将职业名指定到图标名上,可以显示出该职业的图标。快捷发言(quickchat) …将快捷发言名指定到图标名上,可以显示出该快捷发言的图标。※省略分类 …会按照技能名来处理。 /锁定宏指令 /macrolock /锁宏 /mlock /锁定宏...
Sell Loot From Heaven On High Or Palace Of The Dead; Level Gathering Classes; Make And Sell Boss Themed Weapons; Buying From NPCS And Re-Selling On The Market Board. Whatever your approach, if you use some common sense and apply yourself, you can make significant quantities of Gil in the...
Level 50 Item Level 120 Statistics & Bonuses: Physical Damage 64 Magic Damage 32 Auto-attack 64.85 Delay 3.04 DPS 21.05 Dexterity +48 Vitality +50 Skill Speed +47 Determination +33 Repairs, Recycle & Style: Sells for x 642 Gear Set Ironworks Aiming Set GC Delivery 69...
Journeyman Salvager(Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 50 Gear (DoW)) Player Housing-Player Housing(12.6-8.1) 1 for: x1,000 ▲ Armoire Storage Armoire Storage Location Artifact Armor ▲ Reward from Quests QuestLevel Five Easy Pieces50 ...
“I am...not interested, little sun. Try again when you have become a man.” Y’shtola sassiness never fails to crack us. This being the first, it is worth noting! 24. “Yes, mother.” - Player’s Character, Shadowbringer.
Likewise, you can become a crafting or gathering class simply by equipping the appropriate tool, and they level just like a combat class. It's a great idea, and that's why it's such a shame that the actual products of crafting don't outperform the gear from late-game dungeons. They'...
Collecting materials is the easiest way for players to get FFXIV Gil, but it is also the most stable way to earn Gil. You can choose from a weaver, carpenter, cook, or even a botanist, all of which are related to item crafting or material gathering. ...
int PlayerLevel int Gathering int Perception int MaxGp int Gp int Itemint SwingsRemaining int MaxSwings int Rarity int Wearint DiscerningEyeAura int SingleMindAura 本网站所收集的部分公开资料来源于互联网,转载的目的在于传递更多信息及用于网络分享,并不代表本站赞同其 观点和对其真实性负责,也不构成...
Our Gathering Gear Guide is something you should keep open while leveling up. Regarding Mining Class Quest Items, it’s ideal to farm for them BEFORE you hit the next quest. (For example, farm Wyvern Obsidian while you’re level 26-29). As a quick reference, we will put all items need...