The weather was perfect—sunny and warm, just like how everyone felt inside. We had been looking forward to this special day for weeks, and it finally arrived with a bang. In the morning, we all dressed up in our favorite outfits, some even came in costumes that made them look like su...
The dancers wear elaborate costumes and masks, and they perform intricate movements to the beat of drums and cymbals. Setting off fireworks: Fireworks are a big part ofSpring Festival celebrations. People set off fireworks to scare away evil spirits and to bring good luck. Eating traditional ...
trytogetthegeneralideaandtakenotes.???historymainrolesskillsneeded ?BeijingOpera costumes ?singingstyles ??Listenagainandtrytouseyourkey wordstonotedowntheanswers 1.WhendidBeijingOperastart?2.HowmanymainrolesarethereinBeijingOpera?3.Whatarethemaininstrumentsplayedinit?4.Matchthemainroleswiththeirnames: