GATE.Gold Saucer Active Time Events, or GATEs, are audience-participatory events staged within the halls of the Gold Saucer. GATEs in progress will be indicated with a map icon. To participate in an event after it has been announced, seek out and speak with the GATE client nearby. ...
MountsAcquisition: Acquire rare or hard-to-get mounts that are typically challenging to obtain through regular gameplay, enhancing your mount collection and showcasing your achievements. Manderville Gold Saucer MGP Boost: Accumulate Manderville Gold Saucer Points (MGP) quickly to purchase exclusive items...
#1 实用工具[Gold Saucer] Slice is Right Plugin 11-15-2021, 01:33 AM Plugin helps avoid damage in GATE 'Slice is Right'. You can see damage area when bamboo spawns.会有躲避的层叠标示 Install: Put files in bot plugin folder '<BotRoot>\Plugins\SliceIsRight\' 放置路径 ...
Mounts Acquisition: Acquire rare or hard-to-get mounts that are typically challenging to obtain through regular gameplay, enhancing your mount collection and showcasing your achievements. Manderville Gold Saucer MGP Boost: Accumulate Manderville Gold Saucer Points (MGP) quickly to purchase exclusive ite...
Final Fantasy XIV has various currencies available such as Company Seals, Ventures, Gil and Manderville Gold Saucer Points. FFXIV Gil is the primary currency that drives the game's economy. Also known as Gold, Gil can be used to purchase equipment, services or items, and is the most importa...
These subtle hand pieces allow you to paint your nails in-game! Claws of the Beast will give you a long stiletto-style nail, and they’re available for purchase at the Gold Saucer for 30,000 MGP. False Nails are an oval nail shape and are awarded for doing the Ananta Beast Tribe ques...
Updates to the Gold Saucer Relaxing Fun in Island Sanctuary New Gear and Crafting Recipes Expanded Horizons via the Data Center Travel System 5. FF7: The First Soldier mobile battle royale release Few things could have been more surprising than Square Enix announcing during Sony's February Sta...
: /goldsaucer : /currency : /aethercurrent : /logcolor : /playguide : /generaldutykey : /raidfinder : /orchestrion : /countdown : /contactlist : /mountspeed : /? : /wait : /legacymark : /gcsalute : /macroicon : /recast : /gearset : /itemsort : /random : /cleartellhistory ...
极具魅力的桌上游戏「多玛方城战」终于从东方之地流传而来。快来围着最新型的全自动魔导方城桌,一起投身于激烈的对决世界中吧! 多玛方城战中所有有效的役 基本的役(5种) 立直 游戏中出现频率:★★★ 番数:1番 鸣牌:✕(如已鸣牌则不可执行) 本役...
Gold Saucer Mini Games, Tirad, Chocobo racing Created with Snap Destroy/Salvage/Convert/GrandCompanyTurnIn Free MadaoBot Free Features Created with Snap A simple navigation assister, with a huge database(+ 2800 Spots). Navigator Go everywhere, in a LEGIT WAY ...