: high-quality supplies : Maelstrom : Order of the Twin Adder : Immortal Flames :【Free Company】 : free company : signature : company board : company chest : company crest : company action : company crafting : company workshop : exploratory voyage : subaquatic voyage :【System】 : clas...
still not sure what to do with those odd 10 collectables i have with quality under 240…can i craft with them? Reply Lilboo Bookitty says: June 28, 2015 at 10:49 am You can downgrade them to their non-collectable item (thus allowing them to stack and be sold/used for crafting). At...
Obviously this isn’t good if you want to sell things or gather things for crafting, but if you just want to grind up to the SB area these days and have no leves, it’s not a bad way to do it. If you’re rich, perhaps Wind Widows are better @58 and cloud mushrooms @59, but...