Use to learn the /eureka emote. Ballroom Etiquette - Secrets of the Fist An illustrated manual of how to perform the ancient Fist of Rhalgr battle dance made popular by Lyse. Use to learn the /crimsonlotus emote. Ballroom Etiquette - Stimulating Soliloquies An illustrated manual of how to...
Conditions: (PlayerLevel >= 90) Cost: 0 SuggestedCost: 500 IsCrystal: True MaxSwings > 4 S0: (MaxSwings > 4 && BonusAttempts > 0) - The Giving Land S1: - None S2: (SwingsDifference > 0 && EurekaMomentAura > 0) - Wise to the World => S1 S3: (SwingsDifference > 0 && Actual...