A Realm Reborn: Ixal (DoL and DoH)Heavensward: Moogle (DoL and DoH)Stormblood: Namazu (DoL and DoH)Shadowbringers: Qitari (DoL only) Endwalker: Omicron (DoL only) – Guide already reflects this. Please click on and read the above clicky box if you're leveling 01 to 79. Welcome to...
A Realm Reborn: Ixal (DoL and DoH)Heavensward: Moogle (DoL and DoH)Stormblood: Namazu (DoL and DoH)Shadowbringers: Qitari (DoL only) Endwalker: Omicron (DoL only) – Guide already reflects this. Please click on and read the above clicky box if you're leveling 01 to 79. Welcome to...