The new version presents the first point as a "for example" - presumably it might have other use cases. Then continues to present sendBeacon. Related docs work can be tracked in#36537
一台JT8D发动机在经历鸟撞之后的损伤情况。来源:Wikipedia,摄影:Plenumchamber 飞机没落在该落的机场 就是迫降吗? 有时你会听到有人打电话:“那啥,飞机迫降到南京了,现在杭州雷暴,等天气好了再过去。”单听前半句可能会吓到电话那头。不过,这里其实是混淆了概...
沙蟹总科的毛蟹科成员就爱“撮小汤圆”,组员包括毛带蟹属、股窗蟹属等,最常见的叫做圆球股窗蟹(Scopimera globosa),“撮球”的习性直接写在了名字里。 圆球股窗蟹吐沙球 | 图源:Wikipedia 这些不起眼的小螃蟹平常躲在潮间带的泥坑里,...
[tool.poetry] name = "corfucinas-blog" version = "0.1.0" description = "" authors = ["Corfucinas <>"] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.9" stylecloud = "^0.5.2" wikipedia = "^1.4.0" [] black = "^21.6...
(图片:Wikipedia)▼ 在严重缺水的社会现状与1944年严苛的分水协定中,墨西哥政府只能是将偿还水债作为首选。毕竟,不能按时还水而惹恼美国远比得罪国内农民的后果要严重得多。 参考文献: [1] 由于气候变化科罗拉多河逐渐干涸,上百万人面临“极度缺水状况” [2] 水利...
Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Zona da Mata is a mesoregion of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, situated in the southeastern part of the state, along the border of the states of Minas Gerais,...
作者: Source: Wikipedia 摘要: Lincoln, Magnavox, Nikon, American Stores, Fordson tractor, Plessey, Merchant Shipbuilding Corporation, McGraw-Hill, Eide Bailly LLP, Gloster Aircraft Company, Suncor Energy, Berlei, Books-A-Million, Carlisle Companies, Universum Film AG...
掘地三尺最有用的肯定是google,其次是wikipedia,不断调整搜索的核心词,应该能有所收获。此处的Pilate是圣经中的人物,全名是Pontius Pilate,耶稣就是被他判处极刑的,顺着链接找圣经中的出处,约翰福音18章,耶稣被犹太人送到罗马总督Pilate那里接受审判,想置耶稣于死地。Pilate主观上不想参与其中,他与耶稣对话如下: ...
Wikipedia:传统百科全书条目(tiáomù)/大英百科全书/天文 序号 条目(tiáomù) 外文 1.21 厘米(lí mǐ)辐射 21-centimetre radiation 2.剑鱼座 30 30 Doradus 3.天鹅座 61 61 Cygni 4.光行差常数(chángshù) aberration, constant of 5.水委一 Achernar 6.无球粒陨石 achondrite 7.亚当斯 Adams, John Couch...
feelings is a critical chunk of that essence. Social scientists talk about “domestication” of technology. Forty years ago personal computers were novelties. Now they’re ubiquitous, as are software programs running on them. Even Wikip...