FFXIV Items can be purchased via the Mog Station under Optional Items, inculde Phial of Fantasia, FFXIV Mounts, Tales of Adventure, Minions, Emotes, Housing Items & so on. Have you met an I2501 Error? Do you think mog station items are over price? Now GM2P will help you out, our ...
steam上的购买选项FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Starter Edition只包括2.0也就是只能体验到50级以前的剧情关于你说的39.9欧的版本我没找到,我只找到了40.48欧的Online Complete Edition,这个是3.0和4.0的集合包,买了这个就可以游玩到游戏的全部内容了至于你说的月卡那是需要游戏官网商城mogstation购买。但是如果你购买了这些...
另外我steam账号能登路SEonlinestore登不上游戏是什么情况?两个系统不是一个账号? 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-08-19 02:27回复 SHIRA 奥丁 12 首先,在綫商店是沒有ip block的,但是像mog station、se account management、ffxiv form、還有FFxiv客戶端這樣的賬號登陸是由ip block的,請務必挂上proxy,...
最终幻想道具兑换FF14国际主线等级直升MogStationSTEAM 最终幻想14道具兑换FF14国际服主线等级直升包Mog Station物品CDK 风格: 最终幻想 道具 兑换 FF14 国际 主线 等级 直升 Station 图文详情
Welcome to theWiki, the comprehensive reference written and maintained by the players. Last updateNews & updates BasicsGameplayEconomy Running the game ▪Controls▪User interface▪Servers Character creation ▪Jobs▪Classes▪Races▪Grand Company ...
我是在Steam上买的 FF14 Online + Shadowbringers 捆绑包 (不大明白是不是你们说的5.0)不过我还是不大清楚为什么Mog Station里显示的是我没有Shadowbringers和Stormblood版本(好像没在Steam看见Storm blood?)另外我有尝试在Mog 输入Steam上给的DLC代码,但是显示Code Invalid我不大明白现在升不了级+没有EXP的情况...
请问各位大佬,能不能分享个能上mogstation的魔法工具 只看楼主收藏回复 花田光 泰坦 7 请问各位大佬,能不能分享个能上mogstation的魔法工具 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-03-30 20:11回复 極Mr 仙人掌 3 帮顶,我也需要 来自Android客户端3楼2019-04-01 06:40 回复 ...
Mog Station Sold Itemsare sold for real life currency through theMog Station. These items are distributed via the moogle delivery service. The Mog Station is the Square Enix account portal. Within Mog Station you can pay for monthly game access, purchase additionalRetainersor use theWorld Transfer...
此外,由于账户绑定功能导入后,进行MogStation以及Online Store的部分手续和结算行为时,需要完成账户绑定,因此,在此之前请从Steam版FFXIV客户端处完成账户绑定。 感谢各位的理解和支持。
$12 USD from the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store. 5.0 Syldra (Mount) Obtained by purchasing the Collector's Edition of Stormblood (or purchasing the "Collector's Edition Digital Upgrade" from the Mog Station). 4.0 Torgal (Mount) Acquired during The Path Infernal (2024) 6.58 Traveli...