remake的DLC不影响游玩rebirth,顶多就是过了尤菲rebirth会送点东西。过了本体就行。顺序就是remake打完rebirth,cc原版啥的没有补得必要。 来自Android客户端4楼2024-03-09 21:52 收起回复 闇宗薰 恶魔之魂 15 二档不但有尤菲,更有7re。我建议你直接把盘卖了,开一个月就足够慢慢玩完。 来自iPhone客户端5楼...
除非FF7rebirth说自己不进ps plus,玩家买之前估计都得掂量一下 7.ps5独占 ps5游戏在日本一直卖的不好 ...
近日,国外玩家"takayamaff"在社交媒体上分享了《最终幻想7:重生(Final Fantasy VII Rebirth)》在日本涩谷的宣传广告。 从【找手游】发布的视频中可以看出,《最终幻想7:重生》的巨屏宣传广告悬挂在周围的各建筑上,并播放着萨菲罗斯烈火中的邪魅一笑的经典镜头,场面十分震撼。 《最终幻想7:重生》是《最终幻想7:重制版...
FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Wins “Most Anticipated Game” at The Game Awards 2023 LOS ANGELES (Dec. 7, 2023) – FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH, the highly anticipated game exclusive to the PlayStation®5 (PS5®) console, has been awarded the coveted title of “Most Anticipated Game” of ...
【IGN】《最终幻想7 重生》发售日预告 | State of Play 57.6万播放 PS5|《Final Fantasy VII Rebirth》官方中文游戏预告 4.0万播放 【IGN】《最终幻想16》游戏概览预告 12.3万播放 【IGN】《最终幻想16》「瓦利斯提亚的世界」宣传视频 13.4万播放 【IGN】《最终幻想16》「支配」预告 | State of Play 13.6万播放...
Do you have the same box, but for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Deluxe Edition? The new one Ship to Vietnam AliExpress commitment Shipping: ₫27,409 Delivery:Feb. 01 Security & Privacy Safe payments: We do not share your personal details with any third parties without your consent. ...
the fact that it’s slowing a little slower than it’s predecessors shouldn’t worry anyone – that’s just because there isn’t as many places to play it. If you’re looking for more Final Fantasy, though, you can find out more about theFinal Fantasy 7 Rebirth release datehere or wh...
FF7 Remake 和 Rebirth 的预算也是在那个时期制定的。这一点很重要,我们后面会再提到它。https://www...