Fes-Saïss Airport (fez) Weather 14 Day Forecast High Low Wind Cloud Rain Pressure Humidity Sunrise Sunset FridayJan 31 Patchy rai... 10°c 5°c 23 km/h 77% 2.5 mm 1027 mb 83% 08:17 AM 06:50 PM Hourly SaturdayFeb 01 Patchy rai... 11°c 4°c 15 km/h 43% 0.7 mm 1024...
FES TOUR - Full Day - Our Cultural Tour of Fes offers to you a unique chance to live An Amazing Adventure during your journey in the Imperial city of Fes. Read MoreBook Now Read MoreBook Now Fes Ramparts Tour We will start our tour to the Ramparts of Fes by the most important gate ...
Zhu Ning: Right, and this is something I want to ask but probably you have thought about it. You forecast about how quickly the virous will kick in and keep the pandemic situation under control given the vaccines. 朱宁:对,这是我想问的问题,不过你可能也预料到了。你预测病毒会以多快的速度...