Binding-of-Fenrir 0 contributions Lovely day-trip to the Blue City Abdul was very kind and organized the trip for us. We got there in a modern van with a small group of tourists. The driver spoke several languages and made some stops along the way to admire the views. The city ...
his daughter Fatima, her husband and their two sons- and draws its aura of protective value from a Hadith or binding tradition. For the Jews, ashamesh, it came to represent the five books of the Torah.” Saeed paused and reflected for a few seconds and now said: “Don’t get me wron...
In an effort to probe residues potentially involved in substrate binding and zinc binding, five site-directed mutants of FEZ-1 (H121A, Y156A, S221A, N225A, and Y228A) were prepared and characterized using metal analyses and steady state kinetics. The activity of H121A is dependent on ...
| bindingsite | binitio | bio express | Bio Plas Inc. | Bio World | bio x cell | bioabb | bioacademia | bioassay | bioassay systems | bioassay works | bioaustralis | biobasic | biocare | biocare medical | biocarta | biocat | biocatalysts | biocell | biochain | biocheck | Biochrom ...
Finally, the ability of exogenously expressed FEZ1 to promote early HIV-1 infection requires binding to kinesin-1. Our findings demonstrate that opposing motors both contribute to early HIV-1 movement and identify the kinesin-1 adaptor, FEZ1 as a capsid-associated host regulator of this process ...
protein binding 参与通路 signal transduction nervous system development axon guidance negative regulation of autophagosome assembly biological_process regulation of exocytosis 性能保障 只要您发现Invitrogen抗体在实验中的表现与网站或说明书的所述内容不符,您即可享受免费退换货服务。* 了解更多 随时为您服务 获...
FEZF2 acted as a histone deacetylase-associated repressor downregulating multiple oncogenes including EZH2 and MDM2, through direct binding to their promoters. Concomitantly, overexpression of EZH2 was frequently detected in NPC tumors. Thus, we have identified FEZF2 as a novel 3p14.2 TSG frequently ...
These findings support a model in which the central capsid hexamer pore is a general HIV-1 cofactor-binding hub and FEZ1 serves as a unique CA hexamer pattern sensor to recognize this site and promote capsid trafficking in the cell. Graphical Abstract Download: Download high-res image (228KB...
FEZF2 acted as a histone deacetylase-associated repressor downregulating multiple oncogenes including EZH2 and MDM2 , through direct binding to their promoters. Concomitantly, overexpression of EZH2 was frequently detected in NPC tumors. Thus, we have identified FEZF2 as a novel 3p14.2 TSG frequently...
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