Leading-order Feynman diagram for the process\(e^+e^-\rightarrow \mu ^+\mu ^-\). An electron–positron pair annihilates into a muon–antimuon pair via a virtual photon\(\gamma \). Throughout this paper, we define the external lines on the left (right) of the diagram to denote the...
lt is concluded that at above 0.0 Bev, the BocealettiGualdi diagram (D. Bocealetti and C. Gualdi. Nuovo cimento, 18: 895(1960)) becomes of primary importance. Evidenee for the Drell effect should insiead be expeuted in favorable kineinatical conditions. (L.N.N.)...
The first three attributes indicate how to draw the particle propagator in a Feynman diagram (the pos- sible self-explanatory values of the attribute line being 'dashed', 'dotted', 'straight', 'wavy', 'curly', 'scurly', 'swavy' and 'double'), whether the particle is a Goldstone boson...