成人及12岁以上青少年:过敏性鼻炎每日120mg,慢性荨麻疹每日180mg,均一次口服。 肾功能不全者:需减量至常规剂量的50%。 特殊人群:肝功能不全者无需调整剂量;孕妇及哺乳期妇女需评估获益与风险后使用。 安全性与副作用 常见副作用包括头痛、嗜睡、恶心等,多为一过性且轻微。与红霉素或酮康...
3. 理解剂量和使用非索非那定通常有不同的剂量形式,如120mg和180mg等,使用时需根据医生的建议或药品说明书进行合理选择。在季节性过敏性鼻炎的情况下,医生可能会建议患者在过敏季节开始前就开始服用,以达到更好的预防效果。 4. 注意事项虽然非索非那定是一种相对安全的药物,但在使用前仍需注意一些事项。特别是...
(2)研究表明给予健康的志愿者非索非那定120mg一日二次剂量合并使用红霉素500mg一日三次或酮康唑400mg一日一次治疗是安全有效的,非索非那定与红霉素或酮康唑合并使用时,会使非索非那定的血药浓度增加2倍,但不良反应发生率没有增加,举使QT间期延长,非索非那定对红霉素和酮康唑的药代动力学没有影响。 (3)...
【用法和剂量】有片剂、胶囊、混悬液三种剂型,用于过敏性鼻炎的临床推荐口服剂量为120mg,一日一次,或60mg每日2次;用于皮肤过敏疾病180mg一日一次;为预防夜间或清晨哮喘发作,睡前可顿服120-180mg/次。混悬液为5ml,含非索非那丁30mg。含本品60 mg和盐酸伪麻黄碱120 mg的Allegra D已在美国上市,主要用于12岁以上...
120mg 1 month £8.00 2 months £16.50 Fexofenadine tablets treat allergic rhinitis, commonly caused by hay fever and other allergies. How to take Fexofenadine You might only need to take Fexofenadine on the days when you have symptoms. This could be during the summer months when the pol...
In the US, the recommended dosage of fexofenadine for the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis is 60mg twice daily, alone or in combination with pseudoephedrine 120mg, for adults and adolescents aged >12 years. In the UK, the recommended dosage of fexofenadine for relief of symptoms of seaso...
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buy fexofenadine or generic fexofenadine 180/120 mg pills To stimulate regeneration processes, steroid and non-steroidal anabolic agents are used, and antispasmodic drugs are used to relieve spasms of the biliary tract. Acholia requires dietary nutrition. It is advisable to take high-calorie and eas...
The most common Brand name for this OTC drug is Allegra. Fexofenadine is available on the market in following dosage forms: oral capsule, tablet, orally disintegrating tablets and oral suspension in doses of 30 mg, 60 mg, 120 mg and 180 mg. It was first approved by the FDA in 1996 and...
105 - N° 1P2 - p. 391 - 1141 Comparative pharmacodynamic activity of cetirizine 10 mg, fexofenadine 120 mg, and 180 mg on histamine-induced skin wheal and flare responses - EM|consultedoi:10.1016/S0091-6749(00)91567-7FROSSARDNMosby, Inc.Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology...