It refers to the synthesis of a drug containing fexophenadina, with an appropriate dose of 240 mg and 120 mg. The compound is a selective inhibitor of H1 and can be used to treat mild to moderate asthma, anaphylactic adrenaline and chronic opaque urticaria.DAVIDSON IAN...
Cloridrato De Fexofenadina API CAS Number: 138452-21-8 Back to products Share Submit Enquiry Navegação estrutural Casa Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Products Cloridrato De Fexofenadina About Cloridrato De Fexofenadina API Therapeutic Category Respiratory API Technology Synthetic Dose ...
Fexofenadina suspensionThe compound includes: (a) a sterile heterodihydrate with a particle size of less than 280um, but at least 90% of which is a dihydrophenylaniline; (b) a polyxamero 407 pre disinfectant with a particle size of 0.01% to about 0.2%; (c) 0.1-1% of the drug-...