Fewerandfewerpeople are in work. 就业人数越来越少。 柯林斯例句 Thefewerthings in the room the better. 房间里的东西越少越好。 柯林斯例句 We needfewerorganizers and more doers. 我们需要的是少些组织者,多些实干者。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 ...
she produced installation art work nails to express the concept of "time to accumulate". It is very prominent at that time in the graduation exhibition. In graduate show, she made a woodcarving as the oil painting’s echo. It is appropriate to further enhance the overall meaning of her wor...
‘There isn’t no call to go talking of pushing and pulling. Boats are quite tricky enough for those that sit still without looking further for the cause of trouble. Anyway: there was this Mr. Frodo left an orphan and stranded, as you might say, among those queer Bucklanders, being ...
Both fewer and less have the same meaning when describing that things, materials, ideas exist in a small number. There is only one difference between them and that's the countability of these nouns. We use less when we want to talk about uncountable nouns (things that cannot be counted as...
Less and fewer rank among the closest in meaning between two words, often leading to confusion about which to use in a sentence. They both refer to smaller sizes, amounts, or degrees of something. For example, you could say you are looking forward to fewer hot days in the fall and hopi...
earned. Social stratification andinequalityemerge, often visible in grave burials.Warfarebecomes more organized, and increasingly furthers economic goals (rather than more personal matters of homicide and infidelity). With the advent of thewarrior class, leadership styles transition from prestige towards ...
Nouns that can be further defined and measured in this way make the distinction trickier. For example, here are two sentences with almost the same meaning, but one requires fewer while the other requires less. Now that my commute is shorter, I use fewer gallons of gasoline each week. Now ...
[中考英语前半期中考模拟] Would you like to getfewercolds and feel better Would you like to have a taste of a special plant Would you like to keep a plant with little care An Aloe Vera plant could be just what the scientists may suggest!
There are also disagreements on whether the effects of these three key traits exhibit linear relationships or whether there are threshold effects—i.e., points at which further increases in trait levels no longer enhance positive outcomes and may even become counterproductive (see Brown et al., 20...
With further improvements to our training methods, we believe CoEdIT will be able to help with even larger and more complex parts of the editing process. This will include enhancements like expanding its ability to handle longer texts, and better accounting for prompt sensitivity in training and ...