Learning to Extrapolate Knowledge: Transductive Few-shot Out-of-Graph Link Prediction 方向:知识图谱补全,多关系图,图神经网络 问题:少样本图外链路预测问题 方法:图外推网络,归纳推理的节点嵌入网络和转导推理的链接预测网络。 Node Classification on Graphs with Few-Shot Novel Labels via Meta Transformed Netwo...
Order Optimal One-Shot Distributed Learning 方向:分布式学习 问题:分布式统计优化 方法:多决策估算算法 Learning to Self-Train for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Classification 方向:图像分类 问题:半监督少样本分类任务 方法:提出一种半监督元学习方法,自训练学习 Zero-shot Learning via Simultaneous Generating and Lea...
因此,这篇paper基于这样一个背景,提出了一种新的少样本学习方法:Interventional Few-Shot Learning (IFSL),这个方法的理论是基于预训练知识、少镜头样本和类标签之间的因果关系的假设。具体来讲,Contributions如下: 从结构因果模型(SCM)假设开始,探索了FSL中的一个“复杂性悖论”:该假设表明预先训练的知识本质上是一个...
本文先介绍 Few-shot Learning 定义;由于最近几年 Few-shot Learning 在图像领域的进展领先于在自然语言处理领域,所以第二部分结合其在图像处理领域的研究进展,详细介绍 Few-shot Learning 的三类典型方法及每种方法的代表性模型;接下来介绍在自然语言处理领域的研究进展以及我们对 metric-based 的方法进行系统总结后提...
根据机器学习模型在小样本上难以学习的原因,Few-Shot Learning从三个角度解决问题,(1)通过增多训练数据提升h_I(Data)、(2)缩小模型需要搜索的空间(Model)、以及(3)优化搜索最优模型的过程(Algorithm)。 PS: 上面两张图均引自2020年香港科技大学和第四范式的paper“Generalizing from a Few Examples: A Survey ...
1、前言 本次分享一篇2022年ACL会议的paper,是关于少样本命名实体任务(Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition),论文题目及代码链接为:<CONTAINER:… 对比学习和metric learning有啥区别?? naruto 北京邮电大学 软件工程硕士 序列推荐中的意图对比学习 1.导读 用户与物品的互动是由个各种意图驱动的(例如,准备节日礼物...
Few-Shot Learning is an example of meta-learning, where a learner is trained on several related tasks, during the meta-training phase, so that it can generalize well to unseen (but related) tasks with just few examples, during the meta-testing phase. An effective approach to the Few-Shot...
Paper Few-Shot Learning with a Strong Teacher Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to generate a classifier using limited labeled examples. Many existing works take the meta-learning approach, constructing a few-shot learner that can learn from few-shot examples to generate a classifier. Typically, the...
alignment between the semantic embedding and visual embedding is forced through the “embedding loss”. This paper is interesting since it combines two approaches — meta-learning (predicting the model based on task) and using semantic information (labels). However, for the few-shot task, it seem...