Fever in elderly persons is only one clinical presentation that can be used to assist the clinician at suspecting a serious disease, such as an infection. Infections, like all other illnesses in the geriatric patient, may occur with a variety of nonspecific, atypical, nonclassic, and unusual ...
Esomeprazole: Fever in an elderly patient: case report
F Inelderly 展开 摘要: Fever in elderly persons is only one clinical presentation that can be used to assist the clinician at suspecting a serious disease, such as an infection. Infections, like all other illnesses in the geriatric patient, may occur with a variety of nonspecific, atypical...
Theinfluenzavirus is a major cause of death and serious illness in the elderly. Symptoms includeheadachesand muscle and joint aches, as well as the other common viral symptoms, including fever. Vaccines against seasonal influenza as well asH1N1influenza are available. Also, antiviral medications can...
Unexplained high fever in an elderly patient treated with clonidine, duloxetine, and atorvastatindoi:10.1016/j.clinthera.2009.12.008unexplained high feverclonidineelderly patientBackground: Drug-induced fever is a clinical diagnosis and should always be considered when the fever is constant and high ...
increased among infants and elderly people.311After an incubation period of 4 to 7 days, fever—often with chills, severe frontal headache, and retro-orbital pain—develops abruptly with a rapid progression to prostration, severe musculoskeletal and lumbar back pain, and abdominal tenderness. Anorexia...
at the time (Jennings et al., 1994) although it was more virulent in intranasal mouse neurovirulence tests. YEL-AND was therefore always a known but rare adverse event whose origin is not clear. Since 2000 however there have been increasing numbers of reports particularly in the elderly. The...
However, the vaccine is not recommended for infants younger than 9 months of age, because of an increased risk of encephalitis. GeriatricUse of this vaccine should be limited to elderly patients older than 65 years of age who are traveling to, or living in, areas where there is yellow ...
vaccine) is a vaccine used to help prevent yellow fever in adults and children who are at least 9 months old. Yellow fever is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. YF-Vax is recommended for people who plan travel to areas where yellow fever is known to exist, for people who...
In 1951, Max Theiler (Fig. 10.1), a Rockefeller Foundation scientist, became the only person to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for the development of a virus vaccine (Norrby 2007). His live, attenuated 17D vaccine was not the first