Separately, to identify local cases meeting our criteria we queried the Western Australian Health Open Patient Administration System at two local hospitals for the ICD-10-AM diagnosis code A78 between 2013鈥 2019. Results We identified 181 cases from 31 publications and four local cases to create...
Ethics statement This study complies with all relevant ethical regulations. The approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of National Institute Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Ethical Approval NO. ICDC-2016008). Study domain In this stu...
subgroup analyses were performed on the survey items with more than 10 cases, including the types of cardiac valve (native or prosthetic), use of steroids or immunosuppressant agents, and presence of glomerulonephritis as a complication, in both the IE group and the UF group. The AUC of the ...
ASD cases without an ABC clinic IQ score <70 and who also had not received an NPR ID ICD-10 code were assigned to the ASD without ID group (Supplementary Methods). Exposure data Exposure timing Data on prenatal fever and antipyretic use were obtained from questionnaires completed around ...
We identified patients from the hospital medical records using the ICD-10 code for FMF. We collected data on demographic and clinical features, drug history, the presence of amyloidosis and subsequent diagnosis of cancer. The expected cancer incidence was estimated using age- and gender-specific ...
Patients were identified from the hospital registry by using the ICD-10 code for FMF. Presence of amyloidosis was also noted. Data related to cancer were collected from patient files and oncology hospital registries. We calculated age- and gender-specific standardized incidence rates according to ...
Using health insurance claims data, patients who visited the hospital with the International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10) codes of J09, J10, or J11 were defined as influenza cases [1]. Since this is claims-based data and separate claims could be generated for a single disease ...
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luTehse. T1h2e i1n2feincfteecdteSdCSICDIDmmiciceewweerree ddiivviiddeeddinitnotoa garoguropuopf eoigf hetigwhitthwaihthigha high spiroscphierotechbeuterdbeunrd(e1n07(1c0e7lclse/llms/mL)La) nanddaaggrroouupp ooff ffoouurrwwitihthaammodoedrearteatsepsirpoicrhoectheebtuerbduenrd(1e0n6(...