Allodium, land freely held, without obligation of service to any overlord. Allodial land tenure was of particular significance in western Europe during the Middle Ages, when most land was held by feudal tenure. Learn more about allodium in this article.
History of Europe - Medieval, Feudalism, Crusades: The period of European history extending from about 500 to 1400–1500 ce is traditionally known as the Middle Ages. The term was first used by 15th-century scholars to designate the period between their
Therefore, this approach implies that this socio-political system can be regarded primarily as the system of exploitation. Thus, this view of feudalism was often adopted by Marxist historians who attached much importance to the concept of class struggle. ...
iqṭāʿ, in the Islāmic empire of the Caliphate,landgranted to army officials for limited periods in lieu of a regular wage. It has sometimes been erroneously compared to thefiefofmedievalEurope. Theiqṭāʿsystem was established in the 9th centuryadto relieve the state treasury when ...