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The study aimedto appraise the effectiveness of the training program of FEU-NRMF utilizing all the nurseSupervisors and the entire Head Nurses of all departments which is 11 supervisors and 17 Headnurses. The data gathering instrument was the questionnaire checklist which contents were drawnfrom the...
主演:高橋眞三樹中村义洋 导演:中村義洋鈴木謙一 剧情简介 :身の毛もよだつような、恐ろしい心霊投稿映像を収録した恐怖の作品。 演职人员 中村义洋 主演 7.2 哥斯拉 7.6 午夜凶铃 6.3 咒怨(美版) 6.8 多罗罗 6.4 日本沉没 7.7 科学怪人 6.6