错误信息:message.channel.fetchMessages 不是函数 - Javascript 错误描述 当尝试在Discord.js中使用message.channel.fetchMessages()方法时,会提示 "fetchMessages()不是函数" 错误。 原因分析 从Discord.js v12 开始,fetchMessages()方法被废弃并替换为messages.fetch(), 所以当使用Discord.js v12或更高版本时,fet...
It works fine, and as soon as there is a report, an embed is created in the report channel, except that I can't add a reaction on it, it adds the reactions on the report command. I know you have to use FetchMessages but I don't understand how it works with the new version (12...
message.register_channel(self.uaid, chid)# Shove 80 messages informessage_argsinmake_messages(chid,80): message.store_message(*message_args)# Verify we can see them allall_messages = list(message.fetch_messages(self.uaid, limit=100)) eq_(len(all_messages),80)# Delete them allmessage.del...
fix fromMe in chat.fetchMessages (pedroslopez#2314) … 6600015 wilsinho8 mentioned this pull request Sep 25, 2023 Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Promise was collected Sending Message #2510 Open 1 task dlimars pushed a commit to somosversotech/whatsapp-web.js that referenced ...
I added an option to get only messages from the bot, or not from the bot. This is needed in some edge case where there is a message from the bot after calling "countUnread". otherwise, fetchMessages will return the bot message instead a unread message.
$.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: "https://server:port/Flowtime/_vti_bin/Flowtime/MessagesService.svc/FetchMessage", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify({ 'messageInstanceId': messageId }), headers: { "uiculture": "en-GB", "culture"...
But when I try to make a request to fetch messages using below endpoint, I get 404 Not Found error: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{ id | userPrincipalName }/messages https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{ id | userPrincipalName }/mailfolders/inbox/messages...
@Deprecated('Use [fetchHistoryMessagesByOption] instead')///从服务器分页获取历史消息。///Param [conversationId] 会话 ID。///Param [type] 会话类型,详见[EMConversationType]。///Param [pageSize] 每页获取的消息数量。///Param [direction] 要搜索的消息方向. 见 [EMSearchDirection].///Param [start...
The Delphi Android programming blog has posted two threads, with code snippets, regarding SMS messaging with Delphi and Android. The first is How to send SMS with Delphi on Android The second is How to fetch SMS messages from the Android inbox using Delp
Crm.Sdk.Messages Assembly: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client v1.1.17 Contains the response from the FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest class. C++ คัดลอก public ref class FetchXmlToQueryExpressionResponse sealed : Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::...