对。fetch_openml 会检查文件夹中是否已经有数据,如果已经有了,不会重复下载。请放心:) 继续加油!:) 0 回复 相似问题分享一下,如何获取mnist数据集的问题 1535 0 6 命令from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml 报错 1381 0 4 获取子栏目的传的参数,后台用get获取不到,要用param才能获取 987 2 ...
作者原话: Warning: fetch_mldata() is deprecated since Scikit-Learn 0.20. You should use fetch_openml() instead. However, it returns the unsorted MNIST dataset, whereas fetch_mldata() returned the dataset sorted by target (the training set and the test test were sorted separately). In general...