For all those SQLSTATEs that can return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO or SQL_ERROR (except 01xxx SQLSTATEs), SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned if an error occurs on one or more, but not all, rows of a multirow operation, and SQL_ERROR is returned if an error occurs on a single-row operati...
SQL database in Microsoft Fabric Retrieves a specific row from a Transact-SQL server cursor. Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsqlCopy FETCH[ [NEXT|PRIOR|FIRST|LAST|ABSOLUTE{ n | @nvar } |RELATIVE{ n | @nvar } ]FROM] { { [GLOBAL]cursor_name} | @cursor_variable_name} [INTO...
EXEC SQL. FETCH NEXT dbcur INTO :connid, :cityfrom, :cityto ENDEXEC. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ELSE. cl_demo_output=>write( |{ carrid }, { connid }, { cityfrom }, { cityto }| ). ENDIF. ENDDO. cl_demo_output=>display( ). ...
[Output] Pointer to an array in which to return the status of each row. This array is used in the same manner as the array specified by the SQL_ATTR_ROW_STATUS_PTR statement attribute. However, the address of this array is not stored in the SQL_DESC_STATUS_ARRAY_PTR field in the IR...
SQL_FETCH_RELATIVE SQL_FETCH_BOOKMARK For more information, see "Positioning the Cursor" in the "Comments" section. FetchOffset [Input] Number of the row to fetch. The interpretation of this argument depends on the value of theFetchOrientationargument. For more information, see "Positioning the...
sql_fetch Result OK [END|CONTINUE] [<record> <record> ...] Values for the Reply Fields Value Description END The reply was transferred in full. CONTINUE More data records are available but were not transferred due to the limited size of the reply package. ...
Built-in Functions (Transact-SQL) Collation (Transact-SQL) Control-of-Flow Language (Transact-SQL) Cursors (Transact-SQL) Cursors (Transact-SQL) CLOSE (Transact-SQL) DEALLOCATE (Transact-SQL) DECLARE CURSOR (Transact-SQL) FETCH (Transact-SQL) ...
syntaxsql @@FETCH_STATUS Note To view Transact-SQL syntax for SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and earlier versions, seePrevious versions documentation. Return Type integer Return Value Return valueDescription 0The FETCH statement was successful. -1The FETCH statement failed or the row was beyond the resu...