const cookie = 'your_cookie_value'; const data = await fetchWithCookie('', cookie); 这样,你就可以在Next.js中将cookie包含在fetch请求中了。 关于Next.js和fetch请求的更多信息,你可以参考下面的链接: Next.js官方文档: ...
For NextJS I fetch data from graphql. Example here is hook for fetching menu: export const useMenuItems = () => { const [menuItems, setMenuItems] = useState([]); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); const [error, setError] = useState(null); const fetchMenuItemsData = as...
Next.jsNuxt.jsNest.jsFastify Nuxt.js:数据预取方法有两个,分别是 asyncData、fetch:asyncData:组件可导出 asyncData 方法,返回值会和页面路由组件的 data 合并,用于后续渲染,只在页面路由组件可用...;页面路由文件中导出 getStaticProps 方法时,当需要使用数据渲染时可以定义这个方法:Nuxt.js:提供了命令 generate ...
您可以在普通节点(假设node-fetch或类似的软件包)或Next外部的浏览器中进行测试,方法如下: getStaticProps().then(data => { console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) })
ES6 (JavaScript 2015) is supported in all modern browsers since June 2017: Chrome 51Edge 15Firefox 54Safari 10Opera 38 May 2016Apr 2017Jun 2017Sep 2016Jun 2016 fetch()is not supported in Internet Explorer. ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Track your progress - it's free!
importfetchfrom'node-fetch';constparams=newURLSearchParams();params.append('a',1);constresponse=awaitfetch('',{method:'POST',body:params});constdata=awaitresponse.json();console.log(data); Handling exceptions NOTE: 3xx-5xx responses areNOTexceptions, and should be han...
I was just playing around getting to know next 13 when I tried fetching data from a Client component. I literally just copy pasted the example from the docs: ...
APIs in your app to fetch meeting transcripts and recordings automatically retrieves them from all meetings relevant for your purpose. Your app can receive meeting notifications, and get the transcript and recording when it's generated after the meeting ends. This data can then be used to ga...
when I log, a server componant fetch data. This was working this morning but after installing next 13.0.6 I got this error only in prod : error validating user TypeError: fetch failed at Object.fetch (/var/task/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/undici/index.js:1:26684) ...
I succeed to access to posts with Postman. Now I tried to set a little call with a graphic site, but I wasn't able to fetch the data. This is the call that I tried in a saga: exportconstfetchWrapper=asyncurl => {varrequest =newRequest({url: url,method:"GET"});awaitfetch(request...