Fetch-Decode-Execute Cyclefetchdecodeexecutecyclefetch将pc指向的内存地址中的指令拷贝到指令寄存器中然后pc加4指令长度为4个字节就是说数据线是32bitsdecode从指令寄存器中提取操作数如果有的话和操作码execute如果需要将操作数从指令中指定的地址拷贝到寄存器中dataabort就是发生在这一步的接着根据操作码和操作数执行...
fetch cycle 取周期 fetch-decode-execute cycle 取译码执行周期 field 字段,栏 ... www.docin.com|基于3个网页 2. 取指令-解码-执行周期 Structured Programming, Fall... ... Fetch-decode-execute cycle 取指令-解码-执行周期 Computer main memory 计算机主存 …hi.baidu.com|基于1 个网页...
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The Fetch-Execute Cycle的中文翻译 The Fetch-Execute Cycle 获取执行周期
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Fetch Execute Cycle Travis Griffiths
Fetch-Execute: Starters / Plenaries(Teacher downloads only) Starters 10 questions A lesson starter activity. A volunteer (either a student or class teacher) is given a slip of paper so they know 'what they are'. The rest of the class can ask up to a maximum of 10 qu...