For 64-bit applications, thefetch_and_andandfetch_and_oroperate on a word aligned single word (32-bit variable aligned on a 4-byte boundary). Thefetch_and_addlpandfetch_and_orlpsubroutines operate on a double word aligned double word (64-bit variable aligned on an 8 -byte boundary). T...
The single word variable for thefetch_and_addkernel service must be aligned on a word (32 bit) boundary. The double word variable for thefetch_and_addlpkernel service must be aligned on a double word (64 bit) boundary. Execution Environment Thefetch_and_addkernel services can be called fro...
114 entries not shown templates trace2 xdiff .cirrus.yml .clang-format .editorconfig .gitattributes .gitignore .gitmodules .mailmap .tsan-suppressions COPYING GIT-VERSION-GEN INSTALL LGPL-2.1 Makefile RelNotes abspath.c aclocal.m4 add-interactive.c add-...
The 32 bit branch target address can be read out through driver 204 on data bus rdBACData. FIG. 8 is a logic schematic of BTC 180. Each BTC slice comprises a 192-bit RAM word, implemented as three 64-bit RAM words (8 bytes) 220a, 220b, and 220c. Depending on the instruction ...
For 64-bit applications, thefetch_and_andandfetch_and_oroperate on a word aligned single word (32-bit variable aligned on a 4-byte boundary). Thefetch_and_addlpandfetch_and_orlpsubroutines operate on a double word aligned double word (64-bit variable aligned on an 8 -byte boundary). ...
For 32-bit applications, thefetch_and_addandfetch_and_addlpsubroutines are identical and operate on a word aligned single word (32-bit variable aligned on a 4-byte boundary). For 64-bit applications, thefetch_and_addsubroutine operates on a word aligned single word (32-bit variable aligned...
For 32-bit applications, thefetch_and_addandfetch_and_addlpsubroutines are identical and operate on a word aligned single word (32-bit variable aligned on a 4-byte boundary). For 64-bit applications, thefetch_and_addsubroutine operates on a word aligned single word (32-bit variable aligned...